Super Mat

Super Mat is a rugged, waterproof flexible blanket for hot insulation applications which is consisting only PTFE and glass fiber.

Thanks to its hydrophobicity, it is one of the best solutions for CUI troubles.

As has been demonstrated by aerogel blanket, the hydrophobic flexible blanket approach saves time, money, and greatly simplifies the logistics of ordering, transporting, and managing the storage space required for rigid insulation.

Super Mat’s unbreakable, un-crushable, flexible, water-defiant, breathable, and re-usable properties translate to consistent and reliable long-term performance.

Reliably hydrophobic up to 600°F (315°C), Super Mat remains dry, allowing the equipment to operate with the originally specified thermal efficiency despite any areas of damaged or ill-maintained outed cladding.

Super Mat STC is a silicone top-coated version of Super Mat. With the same overall properties as the uncoated Super Mat, this top-coated version offers additional versatility.

When a metal or non-metal weather jacket is not needed to protect from mechanical abuse or animal attack, significant cost savings along with other advantages can be realized.


Product Overview
Super Mat Technical Data Sheet
Super Mat Safety Data Sheet
Super Mat STC Technical Data Sheet
Super Mat STC Safety Data Sheet
Comparison Report
Equinor Report
ASTM C177 (Measurements at 0, 100, 200, 300, and 600C) Report
ASTM C177 (Measurements at 400 and 500C) Report
ASTM C1511 & ASTM C1104 Test Report
ASTM E84 Test Report
ASTM C795 Report
ASTM C871 Report
ASTM C1388 Report
ASTM C356 Report
ASTM C411 Report
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