ProRox PS 960

ProRox PS 960 is a mandrel wound pipe section. The insulation sections are made out of stone wool and are produced with an innovative water repellent binder called WR-Tech™ to mitigate the risk of corrosion under insulation. A reinforced aluminum foil facing is available upon request.
The highly durable insulation sections are supplied split and hinged for easy snap-on assembly and are especially suitable for thermal and acoustic insulation of industrial pipe work.
WR-Tech™ Factsheet
Check out our factsheet about mandrel wound ProRox pipe sections with WR-Tech™
ProRox PS 970

ProRox PS 970 is a mandrel wound pipe section. The insulation sections are made out of stone wool and are produced with an innovative water repellent binder called WR-Tech™ to mitigate the risk of corrosion under insulation. A reinforced aluminum foil facing is available upon request.
The highly durable insulation sections are supplied split and hinged for easy snap-on assembly and are especially suitable for thermal and acoustic insulation of high temperature industrial pipe work which is subjected to mechanical loads.
WR-Tech™ Factsheet
Check out our factsheet about mandrel wound ProRox pipe sections with WR-Tech™
ProRox PS 970 ALU

ProRox PS 970 ALU is an aluminum foil faced mandrel wound pipe section. The insulation sections are made out of stone wool and are produced with an innovative water repellent binder called WR-Tech™ to mitigate the risk of corrosion under insulation.
The highly durable insulation sections are supplied split and hinged for easy snap-on assembly and are especially suitable for thermal and acoustic insulation of high temperature industrial pipe work which is subjected to mechanical loads.
WR-Tech™ Factsheet
Check out our factsheet about mandrel wound ProRox pipe sections with WR-Tech™
ProRox WM 940 ES

ProRox WM 940 ES is a lightly bonded stone wool mat stitched on galvanised wire mesh using galvanised wire. Stainless steel mesh, stainless steel binding wire and/or aluminium foil facing are available upon request. The wired mat is suitable for thermal acoustic insulation of industrial applications reaching high temperatures, such as industrial pipe work, boiler walls, furnaces and smoke ducts.
– ProRox WM 940 ES wired mats fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN 14303, CINI 2.2.02, VDI 2055, ASTM C592-16 Type I.
– Above product properties reflect only to ASTM standards. Compliance and Performance according to European (EN) standards can be found on our website. Please contact our sales representatives for an extended list of approvals & certifications.
ProRox WM 960 ES

ProRox WM 960 ES is a lightly bonded heavy duty stone wool mat stitched on galvanised wired mesh with galvanised wire. Stainless steel mesh, stainless steel binding wire and/or aluminium foil facing are available upon request. The wired mat is especially suitable for industrial applications such as highpressure steam pipes, reactors, furnaces, etc. where high demands are made on the temperature resistance of the insulation.
– ProRox WM 950 ES wired mats fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN 14303, CINI 2.2.02, VDI 2055, ASTM C592-16 Type I, II.
– Above product properties reflect only to ASTM standards. Compliance and Performance according to European (EN) standards can be found on our website. Please contact our sales representatives for an extended list of approvals & certifications.
ProRox WM 970 ES

ProRox WM 970 ES is a lightly bonded heavy duty stone wool mat stitched on galvanised wired mesh with galvanised wire. Stainless steel mesh, stainless steel binding wire and/or aluminium foil facing are available upon request. The wired mat is especially suitable for industrial applications such as high-pressure steam pipes, reactors, furnaces, etc. where high extreme demands are made on the temperature resistance of the insulation.
– ProRox WM 970 ES wired mats fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN 14303, CINI 2.2.02, VDI 2055, ASTM C592-16 Type I, II, III.
– Above product properties reflect only to ASTM standards. Compliance and Performance according to European (EN) standards can be found on our website. Please contact our sales representatives for an extended list of approvals & certifications.
ProRox WM 970 ES

ProRox WM 970 ES, galvanizli tel örgü kaplamalı 650 oC’ye kadar yüksek sıcaklıklarda kullanılabilen taş yünü şilte üründür. Paslanmaz çelik örgü, paslanmaz çelik bağlama teli ve/veya alüminyum folyo kaplama talep üzerine temin edilebilir. Telli şilte, endüstriyel boru işleri, kazan duvarları, fırınlar ve duman kanalları gibi yüksek sıcaklıklara ulaşan endüstriyel uygulamaların termal ve/veya akustik yalıtımı için uygundur.
– ProRox WM 970 ES telli şilteler, EN 14303, CINI 2.2.02, VDI 2055, ASTM C592-16 Tip I gibi uluslararası kabul görmüş standartların belirlediği şartlara tamamen uygundur.
– Yukarıdaki ürün özellikleri sadece ASTM standartlarını yansıtmaktadır. Avrupa (EN) standartlarına uygunluk ve performans web sitemizde ( bulunabilir. Onayların ve sertifikaların geniş bir listesi için lütfen satış temsilcilerimizle iletişime geçin.
ProRox SL 540

ProRox SL 540 is a higly compression resistant stone wool slab for thermal and acoustic insulation of constructions where high temperatures and light mechanical loads occur.
ProRox SL 540 Slabs comply with the requirements as set by EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612: type IA, IB, II, III, IVA.
ProRox SL 560

ProRox SL 560 is a higly compression resistant stone wool slab for thermal and acoustic insulation of constructions where high temperatures and mechanical loads (e.g. vibrations) occur.
ProRox SL 560 Slabs comply with the requirements as set by EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612: type IA, IB, II, III, IVA.
ProRox SL 580

ProRox SL 580 is a pressure-resistant stone wool slab with high resistance to mechanical loads.
The pressure resistant slab is developed for the thermal insulation of tank roofs subjected to pedestrian traffic, and the thermal/acoustic insulation of constructions subjected to a mechanical load.
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ProRox SL 920

ProRox SL 920 is a flexible stone wool slab. ProRox SL 920 is suitable for the thermal insulation of horizontal and vertical walls. A one-sided facing with fibreglass reinforced aluminium foil (Alu) or glass tissue is available upon request.
ProRox SL 920 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA.
ProRox SL 930

ProRox SL 930 is a semi rigid stone wool slab. A one-sided facing with fibreglass reinforced aluminium foil (Alu) or glass tissue is available upon request.
ProRox SL 930 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA.
ProRox SL 940

ProRox SL 940 is a rigid stone wool slab suitable for the thermal and acoustic insulation of horizontal and vertical applications.
ProRox SL 940 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA.
ProRox SL 950

ProRox SL 950 is a strong and rigid stone wool slab and is especially developed for the thermal and acoustic insulation of high temperature columns and vessels.
ProRox SL 950 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA, IB, II, III, IVA and IVB.
ProRox SL 960

ProRox SL 960 is a strong and rigid slab and is especially suitable for the thermal and acoustic insulation of constructions up to intermediate temperatures.
ProRox SL 960 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA and IB.
ProRox SL 970

ProRox SL 970 is a strong and rigid stone wool slab suitable for the thermal and acoustic insulation of constructions where higher temperatures and light mechanical loads (e.g. vibrations occur). Typical examples are ovens, furnaces and exhaust ducts.
ProRox SL 970 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA, IB, II, III, IVA and IVB.
ProRox SL 980

ProRox SL 980 is a strong and rigid stonewool slab especially designed for the thermal and acoustic insulation of constructions where high demands are made on the temperature resistance and mechanical strength of the insulation.
ProRox SL 980 Slabs fully comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303, CINI 2.2.01 and ASTM C612 Type IA, IB, II, III, IVA and IVB.
ProRox MA 520 ALU

ProRox MA 520 ALU is a compression resistant stone wool insulation mat bonded onto fi breglass reinforced aluminium foil. The insulation mat is suitable for the thermal and acoustic insulation of especially large diameter piping, vessels, ducts and equipment up to intermediate temperaturs.
ProRox MA 520 ALU full comply with the requirements as set by internationally recognized standards like EN14303 and CINI 2.2.05.
ProRox GR 903

ProRox GR 903 is a stone wool granulate with no additives. The granulate is especially suitable for the thermal insulation of cold boxes and air separation plants.
ProRox GR 903 Granulated Loose fill complies with the requirements as set by the Linde specification (Linde quality) and AGI Q 118 „Insulation work for refrigeration on industrial installations ; air separation plants.