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A NEW APPROACG TO PIPELINE INSULATION IN INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES: INSULATION JACKETS Energy efficiency and safety are among the top priorities for businesses in industrial facilities. In this context, the insulation of pipelines is of great importance. Although traditional sheet metal cladding methods are widely used, insulation jackets have become more preferred in recent years. So, why have insulation jackets become so popular? Here is the answer to this question: 1. Durability and Reliability Although traditional sheet metal cladding methods are effective in reducing heat loss in pipelines, they unfortunately have a high risk of deformation in relatively short periods. Any dent or damage on the metal cladding exposes the insulation material to external factors, especially water ingress. In this case, both the insulation capability dramatically decreases, and the risk of corrosion on the insulated line arises. (See https://insulant.pro/corrosion-under-insulation-blog/) Figure 1 Insulation Jackets on Pipeline of a Fertilizer Manufacturing Facility Figure 2 Stress corrosion cracking of an insulated stainless steel condensate line. Source: NASA Corrosion Engineering Laboratory Additionally, the components used within sheet metal cladding methods (spacers, cladding sheets, etc.) can corrode over time, creating other safety risks. However, in lines insulated with insulation jackets, the insulation material is housed within the jacket material, minimizing exposure to external factors. Furthermore, the risk of corrosion in jacket cladding materials is not an issue. The insulation capabilities of lines insulated with insulation jackets last longer compared to those insulated with sheet metal cladding, and the risk of corrosion on the pipeline itself is also minimized. 2. Easy Installation and Occupational Safety Sheet metal cladding requires time and labor for installation and maintenance processes. Insulation jackets, on the other hand, can be easily installed and removed thanks to their modular structures. This significantly reduces the total working time required for insulation tasks in any facility. Since these insulation activities are usually carried out by external labor not working in the facility, occupational safety risks will inevitably arise. For example, insulating a 250-meter pipeline (with a reasonable amount of valves, flanges, elbows, etc.) with sheet metal cladding requires approximately 80 man-days of work in the facility. However, the same application can be completed with insulation jackets in a maximum of 6 man-days. Reducing the working hours of insulation teams unfamiliar with the facility’s specific occupational safety rules means minimizing the risk of potential accidents at least by the same proportion. 3. Maintenance and Repair Ease Maintenance, repair, and inspection (such as weld inspection) activities on a pipeline insulated with insulation jackets are extremely easy due to the modular and removable nature of the jackets. Maintenance activities on the pipe body, line components (valves, flanges, elbows, tees, etc.), and insulation system components can be completed easily and quickly. This feature accelerates maintenance and repair processes, ensuring operational continuity and process reliability. Figure 3 Insulation Jackets and Metal Cladding 4. Flexible and Adaptable Design The designs of insulation jackets are made by expert industrial designers to fit different pipe diameters and shapes. The most suitable design for different and asymmetric geometric shapes is considered in terms of both operational capability (temperature, pressure, mechanical exposure insulation performance, etc.) and installation capability. In insulation applications made with sheet metal cladding, it is generally expected that field workers find solutions, and the insulation application is not separately evaluated for different conditions. This feature allows insulation jackets to adapt to challenging working conditions in the most efficient way and naturally last longer. 5. Cost-Effectiveness For the same amount of insulation application, sometimes sheet metal cladding and sometimes insulation jackets have an initial cost advantage. In some cases, the initial costs may be higher compared to sheet metal cladding, but the long-term cost advantages of insulation jackets outlined above cannot be ignored. Lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance costs, and longer lifespans mean that insulation jackets significantly reduce the total cost of ownership. 6. Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Heat Loss The advantage mentioned in this section is also valid for sheet metal cladding insulation applications at the beginning. However, although traditional sheet metal cladding methods are effective in reducing heat loss in pipes, insulation jackets perform better in this regard. Insulation jackets minimize heat loss and increase energy efficiency thanks to their high insulation properties. This helps facilities reduce their energy costs. Conclusion The use of insulation jackets in pipe insulation in industrial facilities offers significant advantages in terms of energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, occupational safety, and process reliability. Compared to traditional sheet metal cladding methods, insulation jackets are a more modern and effective solution, contributing to the sustainability goals of industrial facilities.



ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASSES FOR TECHNICAL INSULATION SYSTEMS CALCULATION METHOD AND APPLICATIONS Introduction Energy efficiency is of great importance in today’s industrial applications. To reduce energy consumption and costs, while also supporting environmental sustainability, insulation systems need to be optimized. Generally, industrial facilities that require continuous insulation and need maintenance or optimization of existing insulation are the most efficient and suitable areas for these applications. In this context, the EN 17956 standard is an important tool for evaluating and classifying the energy performance of industrial insulation systems. What is the EN 17956 Standard? EN 17956 is a European standard that determines the energy performance of insulation systems used in industrial applications. As of December 1, 2024, it has come into effect in all 34 countries that are members of CEN/CENELEC, including Turkey. This standard classifies insulation solutions into energy efficiency classes, ranging from A (most efficient) to F (least efficient). This classification indicates the potential of insulation solutions to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Scope of the Standard EN 17956 applies to technical insulation systems for operational installations such as pipes, ducts, tanks, equipment, and embedded components in industrial facilities. The standard determines the energy efficiency classification of insulation systems for an operational temperature range of -30°C to +650°C. However, other insulation applications such as designing safe surface temperatures for personal protection and preventing condensation are outside the scope of this standard. Benefits of the Standard Energy Efficiency: The standard ensures the optimization of insulation systems, thereby reducing energy consumption. Cost Savings: Effective insulation reduces energy consumption, thereby lowering operating costs. Environmental Impact: Improved insulation significantly reduces CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, supporting environmental sustainability. Compliance and Benchmarking: The standard provides a clear framework for complying with energy efficiency regulations and benchmarking performance. Implementation Steps To implement the EN 17956 standard, the following steps should be followed: Select the Insulation Energy Performance Class: Determine the required energy efficiency level according to your needs, technical specifications, or current regulations. Identify the Component: Determine the type and size of the component to be insulated. Determine the Process Temperature: Identify the maximum operating temperature of the component to be insulated. Interpret the Results: Evaluate the maximum allowable heat loss specified by the standard for the selected energy class and other parameters. Recent Developments With the “Energy Efficiency Class Calculation Tool” developed by EiiF, when you enter the energy class determined within the scope of the EN 17956:2024 standard, the operating temperature, and the shape/size details of the component to be insulated, the maximum heat flux density for the selected energy class and the approximate thickness required for insulation are automatically calculated. You can obtain the necessary heat flux and thickness information for the targeted energy class for any component in your facility at any time from the INSPRO website at this link. https://insulant.pro/energy-efficiency-class-calculator/ Conclusion The EN 17956 standard is an important resource for increasing energy efficiency in industrial insulation systems. The lack of reference for the design of insulation applications in industrial facilities has also been significantly addressed thanks to EN 17956. By complying with this standard, you can meet your energy performance needs, achieve significant cost savings, and contribute to environmental sustainability.


INSPRO’s TSE 13725 Certificate Registered in 2025 Surveillance Audit

INSPRO’s TSE 13725 Certificate Registered in 2025 Surveillance Audit Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) officials conducted inspections and tests to re-register our product quality. The TS 13725 certificate that our products have had since 2019 was renewed by Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) officials within the scope of the relevant standard through a document renewal inspection. We congratulate all our team members who ensure the continuity of our standard achievements regarding Product Quality.  

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INSPRO’s ISO Certification Success Confirmed in 2025 Surveillance Audit

INSPRO’s ISO Certification Success Confirmed in 2025 Surveillance Audit INSPRO, which has held ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 (OHSAS before 2018) certificates since its foundation, has successfully completed its 2025 surveillance audits. As a result of the successful completion of the process conducted by IQM International Certification auditors, it has been decided that our ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 certificates will remain valid until the next audit in January 2026. We congratulate all our team members who have ensured the continuity of our standard achievements in Management, Environment, and Occupational Health & Safety.

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Cooperation Between IGGNITA and INSPRO!

Cooperation Between IGGNITA and INSPRO!   A formal written agreement has been established with IGGNITA, a leading company in the supply and maintenance of gas engines, to cover the production and management of spare parts across the European and Asian markets, including Turkey. We hope that this collaboration, combining IGGNITA’s industry expertise with INSPRO’s 20 years of engineering and manufacturing experience, will continue for many years to come.

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Cooperation Between TEMATI and INSPRO!

Cooperation between TEMATI and INSPRO! We are pleased to announce a written cooperation agreement with TEMATI, a Netherlands-based company renowned for manufacturing and distributing a wide range of unique products for the Industrial Insulation, Shipbuilding, and Construction sectors. This partnership focuses on project and product management in Türkiye. With INSPRO’s 20 years of field and project experience and TEMATI’s extensive expertise, which dates back to its founding in 1962, we are confident that this collaboration will yield optimum solutions for relevant projects in Türkiye. We look forward to many successful years of cooperation.

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TURKCHEM Eurasia Exhibition

We will be participating to introduce many of our products and applications at the TURKCHEM Eurasia exhibition, to be held at the Istanbul Expo Center between 27-29 November, 2024. The 10th International Specific Chemicals, General Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Laboratory and Production Technologies Fair TURKCHEM Eurasia, the largest meeting of the chemical industry in Eurasia, held biannually, will host local and foreign sector professionals. We would be happy to host professionals who want to learn about “Industrial Insulation in Chemical Process Facilities” at our stand number B207 in Hall 5.

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Facilities’ Process Safety Symposium

We will be participating to introduce many of our products and applications at the Facilities’ Process Safety Symposium, which we sponsor, to be held in Hiltonsa-Adana on October 2-3. All issues, policies and strategies involving process safety will be discussed in the panels and sessions to be held within the scope of the symposium; It will be evaluated with academicians, relevant institutions and Türkiye’s leading professionals. We would be happy to host professionals who want to learn about process safety and especially industrial insulation at our stand number 28 in the Main Hall on 2-3 October 2024.

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Factories And Buildings That Produce Their Own Energy

We will be at the Energy Producing Factories Summit event to be held at Istanbul Exhibition Center – IFM between December 18-21, 2024 tointroduce many of our products and applications Energy Producing Factories Summit is a B2B platform and trade fair where professionals who provide or seek practical information and solutions on energy production and energy efficiency in industrial facilities inTurkey can be found. Hope to see you on December 18-19-20-21, 2024, and would be pleased to welcome you at our stand number A4 in Hall 5.

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REMOVABLE INSULATION SYSTEMS ON EQUIPMENT Process equipment such as reactors, product tanks, raw material tanks or flash tanks in industrial facilities must be insulated depending on their operating temperatures. The reasons or advantages of the relevant insulation application are as follows: Saving Energy Maintaining Process Reliability Personnel Protection Protection for Anti-Freezing and Winter Conditions Fire Proofing Sound Insulation Environmental Awareness (reducing CO2 emissions, etc.) Saving Energy is usually the main reason for conventional insulation applications. However, maintaining the stability and/or reliability of the process, especially in chemical process facilities, is one of the main motivation sources for insulation applications. Regardless of the reason, after an equipment is insulated, the integrity of the insulation system on it should not be compromised and it should perform close to the manufacturing design. The fact that the parameters determined to ensure process reliability, such as raw material (or semi-products) temperature, vary according to ambient conditions are factors that will have a direct impact on the succeeding sub-processes and affect the entire production. In equipment insulations such as reactors, product tanks, raw material tanks, etc. the main reasons (saving energy, process reliability, etc.) should be provided, as well as the parameters determined by considering the operation and maintenance processes. If there is a need for any activity (regular maintenance, repair, modification, etc.) for a similar insulated equipment, for sure, the first requirement is removing the insulation and performing the relevant activity. Critical parameters for this process: Time for insulation dismantling Waste disposal Re-installation of insulation Insulation performance after re-installation Insulation removal time and re-installation time of the insulation after the relevant activity are the factors that determine the total downtime of the equipment. Sure, these periods should be short, and the required workforce should be easily accessible with low costs. On the other hand, the control and disposal processes of the wastes that will occur during the dismantling are situations that create both extra labour and extra costs, as well as environmental awareness. At the end of all these, the fact that the reassembled insulation system performs close to its original design is also a reason for preference for the facility management. Because, as stated above, insulation performance is a very critical parameter in terms of both energy saving and process reliability. Conventional insulation methods include covering the above-mentioned type of equipment with insulation fillings (rock wool, glass wool, nanogel, etc.) and cladding with aluminium or steel alloy sheets as the last layer. In such applications, compliance with the design performance should be inspected throughout the entire construction process, and even periodic controls should be made after the application. In addition, if any activity like maintenance, revision, etc. is needed, the relevant insulation will have to be partially or completely dismantled and reinstalled after the activity. This situation will also result in the permanent presence of a talented insulation team in the facility and the prolongation of the downtime depending on these dismantling and installation times. The situation is completely different in new generation removable insulation applications. In these applications made with flexible and removable insulation systems, there is no manufacturing requirement on the equipment, and even if there is no special insulation competence, it can be easily installed, partially or completely dismantled, and then reinstalled by any personnel. There is no waste in these processes and they are completed in a very short time compared to conventional insulation applications. In this way, equipment downtime is not prolonged due to insulation requirements. There is no performance change in the reinstalled insulation system because there is no need for any intervention that will damage the integrity of the system. Even if there is any damage on any part of insulation, it can be taken care of in a short time by remanufacturing the relevant part. Since the use of external workforce is at a minimum in all of these processes, the risks in terms of occupational safety are also minimized.


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